March Product Updates

We’ve added several new features since our last update! These changes include a new environment Summary page, with key metrics for database health; a new ability to search queries by user and database; and an on-premise storage solution for sensitive query samples.

New Environment Summary Page

We’ve redesigned the Summary page to focus on four database metrics: concurrency, errors, latency, and throughput (CELT) – the four “Golden Signals” of quality of service – and key utilization and throughput metrics about hardware resources. Hover over the information icon to the left of each sparkline for more details. Click-and-drag on each sparkline to zoom.

For clients installed using the “On-Host” configuration, hardware resource metrics come from the proc filesystem. For clients using RDS or Aurora, resource metrics come from Amazon CloudWatch. You can find more information about integrating VividCortex with CloudWatch here.

For more information on metrics, see our documentation.

VividCortex captures raw samples, including EXPLAIN plans, in addition to aggregate query metrics. You can now search directly through these samples to find particular queries of interest, instead of first selecting a query family through the Profiler. You can search samples by database, user, origin, latency, and connection ID. Clicking on the query digest will take you directly into the Query Details page.

Latency is measured in seconds; for example, you can search for all queries taking longer than one minute by searching for 60, or for queries longer than 500ms by entering 0.5.

For more information about query samples, including options to disable sampling, see our documentation.

Sensitive Data Vault

Customers who want to see raw query text and EXPLAIN plans but who are be limited by privacy or data protection requirements can now keep this data (text and EXPLAINs) within their own infrastructure.

You may now download and run a lightweight application which accepts connections from VividCortex agents. Those agents send raw query text to the Data Vault, which stores the data in a client-maintained PostgreSQL or MySQL database. Authentication from the webapp is handled via JWT; only authenticated users who have appropriate privileges to access query samples are allowed access. The Sensitive Data Vault only needs to be accessible to users who are on your network, and does not need to accept any incoming connections from the open internet.