Metric Categories

A metric has a dot-separated name, which defines it within a namespace hierarchy or tree. Metric names can only include letters, numbers, underscores, and dots. Database Performance Monitor metrics take one of two forms: what we refer to as a gauge or as a derivative.

  • A gauge represents a scalar value, recorded at a specific time, such as the current value of the motherboard temperature or the number of users logged in. A DPM example would be mysql.innodb.pending_log_writes.

  • Some values are accumulated values which always increase, such as the number of network bytes received on an interface. We transform these into derivatives by subtracting the previously seen value from each new sample and dividing by the time between samples. A DPM example would be os.cpu.idle_us. These numbers often represent throughput or time, and (as in the below table) many derivative metrics are suffixed with tput or _us.

All metrics are per-second. When hovering over a chart to view its value, the number shown will be some value per-second. When viewing a long time frame, individual seconds are averaged together. Because of this averaging, peaks in data may be shown as less than their maximum value if you are viewing the chart at a resolution other than per-second. For example, if you are viewing a long time frame and each point on the chart represents 15 minutes, the value displayed is the per-second average for that 15 minutes.

Metrics are not displayed with units; the metric name typically includes some indication of the units the metric represents, such as bytes, packets, count, etc. When viewing metrics, you may see a letter suffix, such as 10G or 35m. They represent values to a power of ten. We use the following standard SI values:

Symbol Decimal Description
T 1 000 000 000 000 trillion
G 1 000 000 000 billion
M 1 000 000 million
k 1 000 thousand
m 0.001 thousandth
μ 0.000 001 millionth
n 0.000 000 001 billionth

We use some standard naming suffixes for common types of metrics:

Concept Suffix
Throughput or arrivals per second tput
Read or write operations reads / writes
Timing *_us (microseconds)
Timing *_s (seconds)
Utilization util (integer from 1 to 100)
Count count

These are the default highest level metric namespaces and a brief description of each:

Name Description
agents Internal diagnostic metrics of agent behavior.
aws Metrics retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch.
host Database-agnostic data, such as user/connection/client statistics and query metrics.
mongo Metrics from MongoDB sources, such as serverStatus.
mssql Metrics from SQL Server sources, such as sys.dm_exec_connections.
mysql Metrics from MySQL sources such as PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.
os Disk, memory, CPU, ps, and networking information.
pgsql Metrics from PostgreSQL sources, such as pg_stat_statements.
redis Metrics from Redis sources such as INFO ALL.

Below is more information about each of the above metric categories. The complete list of metrics is extensive and in many cases come directly from the output of built in database commands (such as SHOW PROCESSLIST) and we have linked to the relevant database-specific documentation where applicable. You can use the categories below to search for metrics on the Metrics page of DPM.

agents Metric Information

Metrics in the agents-family of metrics contain diagnostic information about the DPM agent. Each plugin records different metrics about itself, and the metrics are organized by plugin name; for example, agents.vc_mysql_metrics.*.

aws Metric Information

Metrics in the aws.*-family of metrics come from CloudWatch, Amazon’s monitoring service, for RDS and Aurora. To enable CloudWatch for your Amazon instances, follow the instructions here. We collect the metrics in the table on this page. The metric names are lowercased, with words separated by underscores, to match our standard. For example, the AWS metric BinLogDiskUsage becomes aws.bin_log_disk_usage.*

We collect the count, sum, min, and max values as provided directly from Amazon.

Metric Description
aws.aws_rds.bin_log_disk_usage.* The amount of disk space occupied by binary logs on the master, in bytes.
aws.aws_rds.cpu_credit_balance.* The number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accrued since it was launched or started. For T2 Standard, the CPUCreditBalance also includes the number of launch credits that have been accrued.
aws.aws_rds.cpu_credit_usage.* The number of CPU credits spent by the instance for CPU utilization.
aws.aws_rds.cpu_utilization.* The percentage of CPU utilization.
aws.aws_rds.database_connections.* The number of database connections in use.
aws.aws_rds.disk_queue_depth.* The number of outstanding IOs (read/write requests) waiting to access the disk.
aws.aws_rds.free_storage_space.* The amount of available storage space.
aws.aws_rds.freeable_memory.* The amount of available random access memory.
aws.aws_rds.network_receive_throughput.* The incoming (Receive) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
aws.aws_rds.network_transmit_throughput.* The outgoing (Transmit) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
aws.aws_rds.oldest_replication_slot_lag.* The lagging size of the replica lagging the most in terms of WAL data received. Applies to PostgreSQL.
aws.aws_rds.read_iops.* The average number of disk read I/O operations per second.
aws.aws_rds.read_latency.* The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.
aws.aws_rds.read_throughput.* The average number of bytes read from disk per second.
aws.aws_rds.swap_usage.* The amount of swap space used on the DB instance.
aws.aws_rds.transaction_logs_disk_usage.* The disk space used by transaction logs. Applies to PostgreSQL.
aws.aws_rds.transaction_logs_generation.* The size of transaction logs generated per second. Applies to PostgreSQL.
aws.aws_rds.write_iops.* The average number of disk write I/O operations per second.
aws.aws_rds.write_latency.* The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.
aws.aws_rds.write_throughput.* The average number of bytes written to disk per second.

host Metric Information

Children under host, and their descriptions, are as follows:

Metric Description
host.auth DPM database login attempt metrics: failure, blocked, and other
host.callers Metrics related to queries, grouped by connected client. IP address bytes are underscore separated as the dot is a reserved character in metric names. Comes from the protocol decoder.

This data is used by the Profiler to allow ranking of ‘Hosts.’

These metrics are only available with the On-Host configuration.
host.connections Number of connections throughput and connection time throughput.

These metrics are only available with the On-Host configuration.
host.dbs Metrics by database, such as affected_rows, data_length, index_total, row_count, total_length, etc.

This data is used by the Profiler to allow ranking of ‘Databases.’
host.queries Query data, grouped by q, p, e, or c (for query/prepare/execute/close) and query digest. Each metric is suffixed with .tput (except time_us and tput itself) as they are per-second derivatve values. This information comes from the protocol decoder, in addition to PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA and PG_STAT_STATEMENTS.

This data is used by the Profiler to allow ranking of ‘Queries.’

host.queries.tagged.*, specifically, is used by the profiler to allow ranking of ‘Query Tags.’ Query tags are only available with the On-Host configuration. More information about query tags is available in our Query Tags Documentation.
host.samples Contains the count of failed_rules per query digest. You can read more about the rules we apply to query samples here.
host.status Total bytes_sent and bytes_received.
host.tables Metrics by table: data_length, index_length, total_length, data_free, and row_count. Comes from INFORMATION_SCHEMA in MySQL and pg_statio_user_tables view in PostgreSQL.

This data is used by the profiler to allow ranking of ‘Tables.’

host.tables metrics are disabled by default, as the capture of these metrics can be expensive.
host.totals Total metrics for all queries combined, for an entire host, regardless of database type. host.totals.queries.* includes totals for all query metrics, including affected_rows, errors, latency, rows_examined, etc.
host.totals.queries.latency.*.count Count of queries whose latency was in this latency band.
host.totals.queries.p99_latency_us Total P99 latency for the selected host. 99% of query executions were faster than this latency.
host.totals.queries.time_us The total execution time of all queries which finished in a given second.
host.totals.queries.tput The number of queries which finished executing in a given second.
host.users Metrics by user accross databases and tables: affected_rows, errors.<code>, errors.no_good_index, no_index, slow, time_us, and tput. Each of these are suffixed with .tput (except time_us and tput itself) as they are per-second derivative values. Comes from the protocol decoder.

This data is used by the profiler to allow ranking of ‘Users.’

These metrics are only available with the On-Host configuration.
host.verbs Metrics by query verb (ALTER, SELECT, etc.), such as affected_rows, no_index, rows_examined, slow, etc.

This data is used by the Profiler to allow ranking of ‘Query Verbs.’

mongo Metric Information

Metrics in the mongo.* family of metrics are captured by the vc-mongo-metrics plugin.

We capture nearly all of the metrics provided by the MongoDB command serverStatus. Additionally, we capture a number of metrics from the connPoolStats command as well.

DPM metric names follow the MongoDB hierarchy, normalized to our metric style of lowercase with underscores.

Metric Description
mongo.connpool Information about the open outgoing connections from the current database instance.
mongo.status.asserts Assertions raised since the MongoDB process started.
mongo.status.background_flushing mongod process’s periodic writes to disk.
mongo.status.connections Status of the connections.
mongo.status.dur mongod instance’s journaling-related operations and performance.
mongo.status.extra_info Additional information regarding the underlying system.
mongo.status.global_lock Reports on the database’s lock state.
mongo.status.locks For each lock <type>, data on lock <modes>.
mongo.status.mem System architecture of the mongod and current memory use.
mongo.status.metrics Various statistics that reflect the current use and state of a running mongod instance. MongoDB’s network use.
mongo.status.opcounters Operations by type since the mongod instance last started.
mongo.status.opcounters_repl Database replication operations by type since the mongod instance last started.
mongo.status.wired_tiger Metrics about the Wired Tiger storage engine.

mssql Metric Information

DPM retrieves database metrics for SQL Server from dynamic management views (DMV) such as data about running threads (e.g. sys.dm_exec_requests) and performance (e.g. dm_os_performance_counters).

Metrics generally have the same name as they appear in the SQL Server documentation, normalized to our convention (e.g. spaces are replaced with underscores).

Metric Description
mssql.perf_counters.memory_broker_clerks.* Provides metrics for statistics related to memory broker clerks. SQL Server Documentation Link
mssql.perf_counters.memory_node.* Provides metrics to monitor server memory usage on NUMA nodes. SQL Server Documentation Link
mssql.perf_counters.databases.* Provides metrics to monitor bulk copy operations, backup and restore throughput, and transaction log activities. SQL Server Documentation Link
mssql.perf_counters.general_statistics.* Povides metrics to monitor general server-wide activity, such as the number of current connections and the number of users connecting and disconnecting per second from computers running an instance of SQL Server. SQL Server Documentation Link
mssql.perf_counters.transactions.* Provides metrics to monitor the number of transactions active in an instance of the Database Engine, and the effects of those transactions on resources such as the snapshot isolation row version store in tempdb. SQL Server Documentation Link
mssql.perf_counters.wait_statistics.* Provides metrics that report information about broad categorizations of waits. SQL Server Documentation Link
mssql.processlist.* Information regarding query-family specific execution information, which comes from dm_exec_requests, dm_exec_connections, and dm_exec_sessions.
mssql.waiting_tasks.* Aggregated metrics about all the waits encountered by threads that executed. SQL Server Documentation Link
mssql.status.* Metrics covering a miscellaneous set of useful information about the computer, and about the resources available to and consumed by SQL Server. SQL Server Documentation Link

mysql Metric Information

Metrics recorded in the mysql.* family of metrics are captured by the vc-mysql-metrics plugin. For information on what settings and permissions are required to capture the metrics listed, please see here.

Children under mysql, and their descriptions, are as follows:

Metric Description
mysql.innodb InnoDB engine information, from selected portions of the return from SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS. For more information on this statement, see here.
mysql.innodb.pending_reads The number of InnoDB buffer pool pages waiting to be read in to the buffer pool.
mysql.innodb.trx.state.* Transaction state information, such as active, notstarted, and prepared, expressed as total time and count.
mysql.mutex.innodb Information regarding InnoDB mutex wait times. This data comes from the MySQL Performance Schema, and is available for versions 5.7 and up. For more information about InnoDB mutex wait instruments, which must be enabled to capture this data in DPM, see here.
This data is used by the Profiler to allow ranking of InnoDB Mutexes.
mysql.processlist Process information from performance_schema.threads, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.processlist, or SHOW PROCESSLIST, in that order, depending on which we are able to query. More information about each child under mysql.processlist, such as callers, command, and query, can be found here
This data is used by the Profiler to allow ranking of ‘MySQL Processlist’ metrics.
mysql.processlist.callers.* Total time and count for all threads, grouped by by client IP address.
mysql.processlist.users.* Total time and count for all threads, grouped by by user.
mysql.processlist.query.* Total time and count for all threads, grouped by query. The metric name contains the DPM query ID, which can be used to search for other metrics for that query.
mysql.processlist.state.* Total time and count for all threads, grouped by state. More information about thread states can be found in the MySQL documentation
mysql.status Metrics built from MySQL’s server status variables, retrieved from SHOW GLOBAL STATUS. More information about each variable is here.
We keep the same variable name; for example, MySQL’s aborted_connects system variable becomes mysql.status.aborted_connects. The specific metric is provided by SHOW SLAVE STATUS.
mysql.status.binlog_* Binlog statistics from SHOW STATUS.
mysql.status.com_* Indicates the number of times each statement type has been executed. There is one status variable for each type of statement. For example, com_delete and com_update count DELETE and UPDATE statements, respectively.
mysql.status.com_stmt_* These metrics are for prepared statement commands. Their names refer to the COM_xxx command set used in the network layer.
mysql.status.connection_errors_* These metrics provide information about errors that occur during the client connection process. They represent error counts aggregated across all connections. For more information on each error, see the MySQL documentation.
mysql.status.created_tmp_* Metrics about MySQL’s use of temporary files and tables. If created_tmp_disk_tables is large, you may want to increase the tmp_table_size or max_heap_table_size value to lessen the likelihood that internal temporary tables in memory will be converted to on-disk tables. You can compare the number of internal on-disk temporary tables created to the total number of internal temporary tables created by comparing the values of the created_tmp_disk_tables and created_tmp_tables variables.
mysql.status.handler_read_* Data about how MySQL is reading data from tables. Large numbers of handler_read_rnd and handler_read_rnd_next indicates your tables are poorly indexed or queries are not written to use the indexes you have.
mysql.status.innodb_adaptive_hash_* Activity against the adaptive hash index. A high number of searches and activity usually indicates the index is effective.
mysql.status.innodb_row_lock_* InnoDB row lock information, including average and total wait time, the number of row locks being waited for, and the number of total operations which waited for a lock.
mysql.status.performance_schema_*_lost These variables provide information about instrumentation that could not be loaded or created due to memory constraints. If you are monitoring using the performance_schema (“off-host”) and “performance_schema_digest_lost” is not 0, some queries are not being tracked. Increase the value of performance_schema_digests_size.
mysql.status.select_* How MySQL performed SELECTs. If select_full_join and select_range_check are not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables. select_range is normally not a critical issue even if the value is quite large.
mysql.status.sort_* Indicates the number of times a query executed using each sort type. For example sort_merge_passes indicates the number of merge passes that the sort algorithm has had to do.
mysql.status.ssl_* Indicates the number of SSL-related events that have occurred. For example, ssl_accepts indicates the number of accepted SSL connections.
mysql.status.table_open_* Hits and misses of table cache lookups. Overflows is the number of times, after a table is opened or closed, a cache instance has an unused entry and the size of the instance is larger than table_open_cache / table_open_cache_instances.
mysql.tables Metrics about the non-temporary tables that are open in the table cache, provided by SHOW OPEN TABLES. For more information about this command, see here.

os Metric Information

To obtain the information contained within the os.* category of metrics, the vc-os-metrics plugin inspects the contents of the /proc virutal filesystem. The agent does not execute any commands, such as ps. For more information about /proc, see here.

Note that when installed using the Off-Host configuration, these metrics will be for the host where the agent is installed, not the database itself. For system metrics when monitoring RDS or Aurora, use the CloudWatch metrics.

Children under os, and their descriptions, are as follows:

Metric Description
os.cpu.* CPU statistics retrieved from /proc/stat. Metric names generally correspond to the meanings of the columns contained within /proc/stat suffixed with _us as they are microsecond time values (see below). More information about /proc/stat and the data it contains is available here. If you would like to trigger an alert on CPU utilization, see the table here.
os.cpu.user_us Time spent in user mode
os.cpu.nice_us Time spent in user mode with low priority
os.cpu.system_us Time spent in system mode
os.cpu.idle_us Time spent in the idle task
os.cpu.io_wait_us Time waiting for I/O to complete
os.cpu.irq_us Time servicing interrupts
os.cpu.softirq_us Time servicing softirqs
os.cpu.steal_us Stolen time, which is the time spent in other operating systems when running in a virtualized environment
os.cpu.guest_us Time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel
os.cpu.guest_nice_us Time spent running a niced guest (virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel)
os.cpu.processes Number of forks since boot
os.cpu.intr Count of interrupts serviced since boot time
os.cpu.ctxt The number of context switches that the system underwent
os.cpu.util_pml DPM-computed processor utilization (out of 1000%)
os.cpu.cores.count Number of cores
os.cpu.freq_mhz Speed of the processor; retrieved from /proc/cpuinfo
os.cpu.procs_blocked Number of processes blocked waiting for I/O to complete
os.cpu.procs_running Number of processes in runnable state
os.cpu.loadavg Retrieved from /proc/loadavg
os.disk.* Disk statistics retrieved from /proc/diskstats. There are metrics for each device individually (<volume_name>, below) as well as aggregate statistics.
os.disk.<volume_name>.total_io_us The total number of microseconds spent doing IO.
os.disk.<volume_name>.weighted_io_us Weighted number of microseconds spent doing IO.
os.disk.<volume_name>.ios_in_progress Number of operations currently in progress.
os.disk.<volume_name>.avg_ios_in_progress Weighted IO time / total IO time
os.disk.<volume_name>.tput This is the total number of reads and writes, combined.
os.disk.<volume_name>.read_sectors This is the total number of sectors read successfully.
os.disk.<volume_name>.write_sectors This is the total number of sectors written successfully.
os.disk.<volume_name>.read_us This is the total number of microseconds spent by all reads.
os.disk.<volume_name>.write_us This is the total number of microseconds spent by all writes.
os.disk.<volume_name>.read_tput This is the total number of reads completed successfully.
os.disk.<volume_name>.write_tput This is the total number of writes completed successfully.
os.disk.<volume_name>.read_merges Reads and writes which are adjacent to each other may be merged for efficiency. Thus two 4K reads may become one 8K read before it is ultimately handed to the disk, and so it will be counted (and queued) as only one I/O. This field lets you know how often this was done.
os.disk.<volume_name>.write_merges Reads and writes which are adjacent to each other may be merged for efficiency. Thus two 4K reads may become one 8K read before it is ultimately handed to the disk, and so it will be counted (and queued) as only one I/O. This field lets you know how often this was done.
os.mem.* Memory statistics retrieved from /proc/meminfo and /proc/vmstat. All metrics coming from /proc/meminfo begin with bytes_. Metrics corresponding to bytes paged in/out or swapped in/out begin with pages_.
os.mem.bytes_active The total amount of buffer or page cache memory, in bytes, that is in active use. This is memory that has been recently used and is usually not reclaimed for other purposes.
os.mem.bytes_active_anon Anonymous memory, in bytes, that has been used more recently and usually not swapped out.
os.mem.bytes_active_file Pagecache memory, in bytes, that has been used more recently and usually not reclaimed until needed.
os.mem.bytes_anonpages Size, in bytes, of non-file backed pages mapped into userspace page tables.
os.mem.bytes_buffers The amount of physical RAM, in bytes, used for file buffers.
os.mem.bytes_cached The amount of physical RAM, in bytes, used as cache memory.
os.mem.bytes_commited_as The total amount of memory, in bytes, estimated to complete the workload. This value represents the worst case scenario value, and also includes swap memory.
os.mem.bytes_commitlimit Based on the overcommit ratio (vm.overcommit_ratio), this is the total amount of memory, in bytes, currently available to be allocated on the system.
os.mem.bytes_dirty The total amount of memory, in bytes, waiting to be written back to the disk.
os.mem.bytes_free Total free memory, in bytes.
os.mem.bytes_inactive The total amount of buffer or page cache memory, in bytes, that are free and available. This is memory that has not been recently used and can be reclaimed for other purposes.
os.mem.bytes_inactive_anon Anonymous memory, in bytes, that has not been used recently and can be swapped out.
os.mem.bytes_inactive_file Pagecache memory, in bytes, that can be reclaimed without huge performance impact.
os.mem.bytes_kernelstack The memory, in bytes, the kernel stack uses. This is not reclaimable.
os.mem.bytes_mapped The total amount of memory, in bytes, which have been used to map devices, files, or libraries using the mmap command.
os.mem.bytes_mlocked Size, in bytes, of pages locked to memory using the mlock() system call. Mlocked pages are also Unevictable.
os.mem.bytes_pagetables Amount of memory, in bytes, dedicated to the lowest level of page tables. This can increase to a high value if a lot of processes are attached to the same shared memory segment.
os.mem.bytes_shmem Memory, in bytes, allocated as small pages shared memory.
os.mem.bytes_slab The total amount of memory, in bytes, used by the kernel to cache data structures for its own use.
os.mem.bytes_sreclaimable Part of Slab, that might be reclaimed, such as caches.
os.mem.bytes_sunreclaim The part of the Slab that can’t be reclaimed under memory pressure.
os.mem.bytes_total Total usable memory, in bytes.
os.mem.bytes_unevictable Size of unevictable pages, in bytes, that can’t be swapped out for a variety of reasons.
os.mem.bytes_used Total memory currently used, in bytes.
os.mem.bytes_writeback The total amount of memory, in bytes, actively being written back to the disk.
os.mem.compact_stalls Incremented every time a process stalls to run memory compaction so that a huge page is free for use.
os.mem.major_page_faults Number of major page faults.
os.mem.page_faults Number of page faults.
os.mem.pages_free Number of pages of free memory.
os.mem.pages_in Number of pages paged into memory, per second.
os.mem.pages_out Number of pages paged out of memory, per second.
os.mem.percent_available Calculated % of free memory.
os.mem.percent_used Calculated % of used memory. Networking statistics retrieved from /proc/net/dev. Metrics are the expected column names prefixed with rx_ and tx_ for receive and send, respectively. There are statistics for each kernel-identified network interface individually as well as aggregate statistics. This data is used by the Profiler to allow ranking of ‘Network Socket’ metrics.
os.netstat Networking statistics retrieved from /proc/net/snmp/ (for metric names ip, tcp, and udp) and /proc/net/netstat (for metric names ipext and tcpext). Process-specific metrics retrieved by examining /proc/$PID/stat and /proc/$PID/io for each process.
This data is used by the Profiler to allow ranking by ‘Process.’

pgsql Metric Information

Metrics recorded in the pgsql.* category of metrics are captured by the vc-pgsql-metrics plugin.

Metric Description
pgsql.locks Metrics for each PostgreSQL locktype, grouped by held or awaited. This data comes from the pg_locks table. For more information, see here.
pgsql.processlist.state count and time_us for each PostgreSQL state. This data comes from pg_stat_activity. For more information, see here.
pgsql.processlist.users count and time_us by user. This data comes from pg_stat_activity. For more information, see here.
pgsql.processlist.query count and time_us by query ID. This data comes from pg_stat_activity. For more information, see here.
pgsql.status.* Metric names are the column names documented here.
pgsql.status.blk_read_time_us Time spent reading data file blocks by backends, in microseconds
pgsql.status.blk_write_time_us Time spent writing data file blocks by backends, in microseconds
pgsql.status.blks_hit Number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the PostgreSQL buffer cache, not the operating system’s file system cache)
pgsql.status.blks_read Number of blocks read from disk.
pgsql.status.buffers_alloc Number of buffers allocated.
pgsql.status.buffers_backend Number of buffers written directly by a backend.
pgsql.status.buffers_backend_fsync Number of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call (normally the background writer handles those even when the backend does its own write).
pgsql.status.buffers_checkpoint Number of buffers written during checkpoints.
pgsql.status.buffers_clean Number of buffers written by the background writer.
pgsql.status.checkpoint_sync_time Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are synchronized to disk, in milliseconds.
pgsql.status.checkpoint_write_time Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are written to disk, in milliseconds.
pgsql.status.checkpoints_req Number of requested checkpoints that have been performed.
pgsql.status.checkpoints_timed Number of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed.
pgsql.status.conflicts Number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery in this database.
pgsql.status.numbackends Number of backends currently connected.
pgsql.status.replication_delay_us Replication delay, in microseconds.
pgsql.status.temp_bytes Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries. All temporary files are counted, regardless of why the temporary file was created, and regardless of the log_temp_files setting.
pgsql.status.temp_files Number of temporary files created by queries. All temporary files are counted, regardless of why the temporary file was created (e.g., sorting or hashing), and regardless of the log_temp_files setting.
pgsql.status.tup_deleted Number of rows deleted by queries.
pgsql.status.tup_fetched Number of rows fetched by queries.
pgsql.status.tup_inserted Number of rows inserted by queries.
pgsql.status.tup_returned Number of rows returned by queries.
pgsql.status.tup_updated Number of rows updated by queries.
pgsql.status.xact_commit Number of transactions that have been committed.
pgsql.status.xact_rollback Number of transactions that have been rolled back.
pgsql.totals count and time_us totals for state, users, and query.

redis Metric Information

Metrics recorded in the redis.* family of metrics are captured by vc-redis-metrics plugin by using INFO ALL. We record most of the metrics from the clients, memory, persistence, stats, replication, cpu, and cluster output sections. For more information, see here.

Metric Description
redis.status.aof_delayed_fsync Delayed fsync counter
redis.status.aof_enabled Flag indicating AOF logging is activated
redis.status.aof_pending_bio_fsync Number of fsync pending jobs in background I/O queue
redis.status.aof_pending_rewrite Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete.
redis.status.aof_rewrite_in_progress Flag indicating a AOF rewrite operation is on-going
redis.status.aof_rewrite_scheduled Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete.
redis.status.blocked_clients Number of clients pending on a blocking call (BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLPUSH)
redis.status.client_biggest_input_buf biggest input buffer among current client connections
redis.status.client_longest_output_list longest output list among current client connections
redis.status.cluster_enabled Indicate Redis cluster is enabled
redis.status.connected_clients Number of client connections (excluding connections from replicas)
redis.status.connected_slaves Number of connected replicas
redis.status.evicted_keys Number of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit
redis.status.expired_keys Total number of key expiration events
redis.status.instantaneous_ops_per_sec Number of commands processed per second
redis.status.keyspace_hits Number of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary
redis.status.keyspace_misses Number of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary
redis.status.latest_fork_usec Duration of the latest fork operation in microseconds
redis.status.loading_start_time Epoch-based timestamp of the start of the load operation
redis.status.loading Flag indicating if the load of a dump file is on-going
redis.status.loading_loaded_perc Same value expressed as a percentage
redis.status.mem_fragmentation_ratio Ratio between used_memory_rss and used_memory
redis.status.pubsub_channels Global number of pub/sub channels with client subscriptions
redis.status.pubsub_patterns Global number of pub/sub pattern with client subscriptions
redis.status.rdb_bgsave_in_progress Flag indicating a RDB save is on-going
redis.status.rdb_changes_since_last_save Number of changes since the last dump
redis.status.rejected_connections Number of connections rejected because ofmaxclients limit
redis.status.repl_backlog_active Flag indicating replication backlog is active
redis.status.total_commands_processed Total number of commands processed by the server
redis.status.total_connections_received Total number of connections accepted by the server
redis.status.uptime_in_seconds Number of seconds since Redis server start
redis.status.used_cpu_sys_children System CPU consumed by the background processes
redis.status.used_cpu_sys System CPU consumed by the Redis server
redis.status.used_cpu_user_children User CPU consumed by the background processes
redis.status.used_cpu_user User CPU consumed by the Redis server
redis.status.used_memory_lua Number of bytes used by the Lua engine
redis.status.used_memory_peak Peak memory consumed by Redis (in bytes)
redis.status.used_memory_rss Number of bytes that Redis allocated as seen by the operating system.
redis.status.used_memory Total number of bytes allocated by Redis using its allocator.