Visual Explain Plans, Wait Time Analysis, & Document DB Support
Visual Explain Plans provide a visual representation of the SQL Server EXPLAIN statement, wait time analysis for SQL Server will help you quickly see the top waits and Document DB has been added as a service that can be monitored when installing DPM on a new host.
Visual Explain Plans for SQL Server
Visual Explain Plans provide a visual representation of the SQL Server EXPLAIN statement for any SQL Server query with samples. The diagram generated shows how your data server processes the statement. You can use the information in the graph to tune your SQL Server statements for better performance. Learn more in our documentation.
Wait time analysis will help you quickly see the top waits
DPM can easily point you to the most impactful queries running on your servers, allowing you to focus optimization efforts. But in a shared system, queries are not running all the time; they often need to wait for resources. Understanding how that time is divided is known as wait time analysis, which you can now also do with DPM. Wait time analysis in DPM is available for SQL Server databases. Learn more in our documentation.
DocumentDB Support Now Available
DPM can now monitor instances of Amazon DocumentDB by using traffic mirroring within your VPC. For more details about setting up monitoring for DocumentDB, check the Off-Host Installation instructions.